Federico Malavolta presents results from his ERASMUS+ at Ciências ULisboa, during the 19th INA Conference, in North Wales (UK)

Federico Malavolta has just presented his very first scientific poster titled “Distribution and Diversity of Coccolithophore Communities living in the tropical and subtropical South Atlantic: preliminary results from AMT28” featuring results from his recent ERASMUS+ traineeship at Ciências ULisboa, in the context of project CEECIND CHASE. The poster was presented at the 19th Conference of the INA, in Conwy, North Wales (UK) during 7–15 September 2024.  

Federico presenting his very first scientific poster at the 19th INA Conference.

Federico (on the left) next to two of his co-authors: Mário Cachão (IDL/Ciências ULisboa) and Elisa Malinverno (University of Milano-Bicocca).

Federico’s ERASMUS+ traineeship was a collaborative effort between the University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy, and Ciências-Ulisboa, supported by the CEECIND CHASE project (funded by the Portuguese Science Foundation) and the H2020 PORTWIMS project (Portugal Twinning for Innovation and Excellence in Marine Science and Earth Observation), both led by MARE/ARNET.

He is currently working to finish his MSc thesis in Marine Geology where he explores the same dataset, to study the impact of meridional variations in upper ocean hydrology and mixed layer depth on coccolithophore ecology and productivity in the South Atlantic, based on samples collected during the Atlantic Meridional Transect (AMT28), supervised by Elisa Malinverno (University of Milano-Bicocca) and by Catarina Guerreiro (MARE/Ciências-Ulisboa).

Stay tuned for all the interesting discoveries yet to be shared! :)