CHASE team members attended EGU (Vienna, Austria) to share some of our latest dusty findings!

Once again, our dusty-team attended EGU to present some of its latest findings regarding the effects of Saharan dust deposition in the marine environment. This year, EGU is both online and “in loco” Vienna, Austria (23–27 May 2022), and Prof. Dr. Jan-Berend Stuut from the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ) is once again one of the conveners at session AS3.10 “Aeolian dust: initiator, player, and recorder of environmental change”. In his talk entitled “Monitoring present-day Saharan dust at sea”, Jan-Berend presented “brand-new” dust-flux data (including particle-size distribution) that were collected between 2015 and 2020 by dust-collecting buoys that are monitoring dust in the equatorial North Atlantic Ocean as well as by moored sediment traps at the buoy Carmen and buoy Laura, moored at ~21°N/21°W and ~11°N/23°W, respectively.

Check more about this fascinating ongoing research in the NE tropical Atlantic at the NIOZ “Dust Page”: